Monday, March 8, 2021


 For those that have known me for a while, welcome back to my writing.

To those that are new, welcome!

My name is Jenn, and I created Spiritual Awakening by Jenn.  I am a 40 year old Cajun from way down in South Louisiana.  I have a wonderful family and support system.  My "regular job" is in the school system.

Then there's why I'm here

I am an energy healer.  I am Reiki Level II.  I do use many of my practices I learned under Reiki.  However, I like to incorporate other practices I've studied into my healing sessions as well.  I am also learning the use of sound as well as accupressure points to help the body heal.  All of these different techniques, in my opinion, can be put together in a way to help someone open up their spirit and allow the body to learn to heal itself.

See what I said there?

Heal itself

At the end of the day, I am not a healer.  I simply am a teacher to one's body.  I'm just there as a conduit or helper to wake that part of your body up.  Sure, I clean up the aura a bit while I'm working.  But your body, your spirit, your soul does the rest.

Interested?  Want to learn more?  Comment, message me, or find me on social media FB @SpiritAwakening

There's more to the things I do, and I'll get to that.  But for now, take a deep breath, relax, and be blessed.

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