Thursday, January 13, 2022

Love Your Body

I have come to realize I have been ignoring my vessel. I have been so focused on my emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and focusing on the fact that I am a soul having this human experience that I have forgotten to take care of my mode of transportation.

Recently, I have gained a considerable amount of weight for no real reason. I didn't much mind, since my soul and emotions were in a wonderful place. However, my body is like a car--it needs checkups, tune-ups, oil changes if I'm to keep traveling. 

This year, I need to focus more on that. I need to get my health in check. First up, I need to look within myself and figure out what road block I'm facing that keeps me from just doing what I need to do. I have a locked door that keeps me from the part of my brain that has the determination to move more and eat better. My hubby thinks I'm crazy because I don't eat a lot, yet I've gained all this weight.

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. I discussed my concerns. We did bloodwork. It all came back fine. My numbers are of no concern. Then what is causing all of this? My body is trying to get my attention, and I need to listen more carefully. We did adjust my medicines some to see if that helps. I do deal with quite a few health conditions. I do not "have" them--I do not claim them as my own or as part of me. 

To me, health issues are a part of my experience. I am supposed to learn something from each one. My insulin resistance, for example, makes me slow down. If I get up too fast I get light headed. So I have to be melodic and careful when I transition positions. There is the lesson.

I plan on taking accountability of my physical health this year. I don't see it as a resolution, but instead a lesson I must experience. I shall keep you updated on my lesson.

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