Friday, January 7, 2022

Signs of Shifting

 I found a list online of 20 signs you are shifting to a higher way of thinking/life. I thought I'd go through one each day or so and explain why I feel I am/am not dealing with the shift

Day one is Mission Calling

This one hits for me. I have been getting pulled to help people more and more. When I'm at work, I so desperately want an open conversation with some of the kids about what they're dealing with in life. I'm especially drawn to the LGBTQ+ community. I'm so passionate about making people see that validating a person's feelings, no matter how old they are, is so important. My daughter has known too many kids that left this life too soon because they weren't known/accepted as themselves by their family. I want to help kids see that they are valid. I want grown ups to respect what these kids are going through. I always tell adults I'd rather call a kid by their chosen name today and have them change their minds later in life and have a CHANCE to do so rather than dead-name them to death. It isn't fair to these kids that the place I work feels we shouldn't speak of such things because the kids are too young to make these choices/feel this way. Kids are realizing younger and younger who they really are and embracing it. We need to change with the times.

I also feel I'm here to speak out about the oneness of us all. I'm here to help people begin their healing and eye opening. Most people I'm around don't believe me or think I'm going nutty. I am changing. I am growing. I am opening and learning and embracing all that is being shown to me. I am learning not to keep it all in and to share with anyone that will listen, no matter what they think of me after. While hard on me to have to "mask" when at work, I know it's part of my learning and I embrace it all.

So does this first sign resonate with you? Have you felt a call to a mission to help the oneness rise?

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