Monday, January 10, 2022

Can You be Too Open?

 Sometimes I think that my third eye, though "blind," is wayyyy too open. My friend agrees. Ever since the last major download of information and inspiration, my senses go a mile a minute. She showed me ways to close my eye so I can rest more. I need more rest. I feel exhausted so often (thanks, chronic fatigue). It's so hard to convince myself to let it rest, because I am so excited about the blessings coming my way!

It has to be done, though. I hadn't slept well in days. The moment she helped me/showed me how I slept better. Last night was the best sleep I've had in weeks. So that's where I'm at. Though I got great sleep I'm still exhausted. However, I also know the most likely reason (nothing spiritual lol). 

I have committed myself to learning Tai Chi, which will be good for my body and soul. I am just doing 5 minutes a day right now. It's a small start, but I have to get it into my routine before I jump in to a longer program. Otherwise, I may give it up too soon. See? I know myself better than before lol

My daughter is back at school. Thank GOODNESS they made it to back on campus learning. We were worried for a while with the way Covid numbers look in our state. I am still at work. Yes, the job I know drains me even more. Yes, the job the Universe is SCREAMING at me to leave. I have to finish the year out. My daughter has to have insurance for school, and I need it for all my ailments. Sure, leaving would most likely rectify a few of them, but can you imagine someone dealing with so many health issues throwing caution to the wind and dropping all meds? That wouldn't be good for anyone around me, let alone myself.

I will post the second sign of Spiritual Awakening later. I left my Manifestation Journal at home, and don't want to skip around.

Be blessed, y'all

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