Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Know Thyself Q&A


    1. Let's, together, learn a little more about me. I'd love to know your thoughts/answers

  1. What does your ideal day look like?

  2. Wake up. Take time to stretch. Drink my coffee and eat my breakfast while scrolling on my phone. Meditate. Find articles or a book to read. Listen to music. Talk to my parents. Spend time with my love (and kids if they're around).

  3. What did you want to be when you were younger?

  4. I wanted to be a music teacher.

  5. Who are you most inspired by? Why?

  6. My daughter, hands down. She has known herself since such a young age. She is unapologetically her. She is brave and a beautiful soul through and through.

  7. Who would you love to meet? What would you ask?

  8. I love meeting people on their spiritual journey. I love hearing of their experiences.

  9. What habit would you most like to break? What habit would you most like to start?

  10. I want to stop being stagnant! I want to start moving more and watching what I eat.

  11. Think of a person you truly admire. What qualities do you like about that person?

  12. I admire people who are genuine. They are bold and stand up for what is right in life.

  13. How do you like to relax?

  14. Baths are my go-to. Listening to music and meditating

  15. When was the last time you did something you were afraid of?

  16. Putting our home for sale and ACTUALLY selling is pretty scary

  17. What are you most proud of?

  18. I am proud of the person I have become/am becoming. It took a long time it seems, but I am getting there!

  19. What are you most afraid of?

  20. I guess my biggest fear would be going back to who I was.

  21. If life stopped today, what would you regret not doing?

  22. I'd regret not texting my kids this morning

  23. Who would you like to connect (or reconnect) with? Why?

  24. I am all about connecting with like minded people. I won't say that I want to reconnect with anyone in particular--people come and go in life for reasons.

  25. What qualities do you admire in others?

  26. I admire people who are their authentic selves, be damned what others think. I also admire when people can own up to their mistakes. And I will always cheer on the underdog

  27. What practical skills do you wish you had?

  28. I wish I could sew. I think it'd be amazing to see a piece and be like, "I can make that"

  29. Imagine you’re in your 90s. What memories would you like to have? What stories do you want to tell?

  30. I sure hope I keep memories of times when my kids were young! I want to tell of my adventures in life--travelling, finding myself, and how I changed my life around when I met my husband.

  31. What is your favorite book/movie/song? Why?

  32. That's a hard one. Right now, I haven't been reading books. I have been reading more articles about awakening spiritually and how to heal yourself. My favorite movie to date is "The Greatest Showman." It is so inspiring to see people, once thought of as 'weird' become confident and love themselves. My favorite song right now is, "Slow Down" by Nahko and he Medicine for the People. I listen to it when life seems a bit too chaotic for me.

  33. If you could make one change in the world, what would it be?

  34. I would put more compassion into the world. Parents would love their kids no matter what. People would see others with love. Everyone would feel valid.

  35. What do you love to do for, or give to others (not an object – something from you personally)?

  36. I love energy healing. I love that people trust me with their energy. I love helping those that feel invisible or unworthy find their worth.

  37. What excites you?

  38. When someone, including myself, opens to a new 'aha' moment on reality. Or when a kid opens up to their parents and their parents embrace them.

  39. What do you wish you did more of?

  40. I wish I would help more. I have this desire to help kids around me, yet I honestly don't make the effort to find a way to really help. I wish I would move more. I wish I had the courage to overcome whatever block I have to just workout and eat right and get healthier.

  41. Pretend money is no object. What would you do?

  42. 1. Cruise around the world for a year.

  43. 2. Buy a house in Minnesota and one some Caribbean island.

  44. 3. Open a metaphysical shop in Minnesota.

  45. 4. Buy a house for my son.

  46. 5. Once she's where she wants to live in life, either fully pay for an apartment or house for my daughter.

  47. 6. Start a support group for tween/teen LGBT+ kids nationwide in schools

  48. What area of your life, right now, makes you feel the best? Which area makes you feel the worst? Why?

  49. My spiritual awakening makes me feel the best! Opening my eyes to all of these new possibilities is so exciting!

  50. My health makes me feel the worst. I know it isn't good, and I know most is my fault. I don't take care of myself. And, knowing my body is just a vessel, I've gotten worse about it instead of better.

  51. Let’s jump forward a year. What would you like to have achieved in the past year?

  52. This year, I WILL sell 50 Mala necklaces. I will book more healing sessions for others. I will join the gym and focus on my physical health more. I will move, whether it's just to a different home around here or to Minnesota. I will leave my job and find a job that I can love again.

  53. What piece of advice would you give to five year old you? Sixteen year old you? Twenty-one year old you? Right now?

  54. 5- Oh my dear, you do not have to people please. Be yourself. No matter what others say, the true you is SO important. Believe in magick--it IS real!

  55. 16- Stop undervaluing yourself!!! What happened to you when you were 13 was NOT your fault. Do NOT let that one horrible even determine your worth. You don't need to hide behind a mask and lie and cheat your way through life. You are allowed to be your authentic self. Your parents will STILL LOVE YOU.

  56. 21- Get your head out of your ass! Stop faking okayness. You are allowed to say when you're unhappy. You are allowed to walk away for your mental health. You are allowed to admit you have no clue what you're doing with a child and get help. Emotional abuse is STILL abuse.

  57. Now (40)- Continue growing and moving forward. Keep doing the right thing, even if others don't like it. You are FINALLY on a good path, don't lose sight of that!

***Side note, that one hurt a bit***
  1. How do you want to be remembered in life?

  2. I want to be remembered as someone that grew throughout life. I want people to remember me as a good mother and wife. I want them to remember me as someone who helped and healed others.

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