Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day Two

So today's sign of a shift in life is becoming sensitive to nature, noise, and energy. 

 For the past couple of years, this has become so true. I love being outside. I take the long way to classes just to walk outside more. I tell birds hello. I move animals that may be in harm's way. 

I HATE loud noises and crowds even more than I used to. I can also hear things from far away. I actually think I hear things far away better than close to me lately.  Some noises I sense the vibration from them. It's a strange feeling, but I'm learning to enjoy and embrace it.

Energy--Ohhh energy. I sense it everywhere and from everyone. I have to cleanse daily to remove any energy I may have picked up around me that I shouldn't have. I hear electricity moving. I have trouble concentrating when I'm around bad energy. 

So yes, this one for sure resonates with me. How does it resonate with you? Don't think it does? Go stand barefoot on the grass for a while and listen to the friends around you telling you hello.

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