Thursday, January 13, 2022

Signs of Spiritual Shifting Day 3

Day 3 brings us to this:

Flying and Floating

 Oh, to be a kid again! Going through my awakening process has brought up childhood memories of just that--floating!

I remember hiding behind my house with my cousin and our feet leaving the ground. We'd float all the time when we were together. It's a shame that the 3d experiences take that away from us. Every once in a while, I get the feeling again. I close my eyes and feel myself lift off the surface I'm on. I've never full-on flown, that I remember. But that sensation of floating has returned, and it feels so freeing.

So, meditate today. In your calm state, feel what it would be like to lift off the floor you're being supported by. Tell me, is it a feeling that feels like a memory?

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