Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Soul Dance

Have you ever allowed your soul to dance?

My new favorite thing to do is to allow my soul to move in ways my body no longer can.

Here's what I do...

I put on spiritual music. I put in my earbuds. I sit as if I am going to meditate. I focus on who I am--a soul, loving awareness. I go inside my human self, until I am just that. And I let the music come with me. The music moves my soul so beautifully. My soul is weightless as I dance. My legs jump and skip like I haven't been able to do in years. I twirl and spin until I am dizzy, laughing the whole time. It is the most AMAZING feeling! My heart races. Though it is my soul moving, my body feels it. 

As I return, I feel like my body was the one moving. My heart is pumping. The smile is still there. And I feel so free in the moment.

Give it a try--go within and let your soul dance. What do you feel when you return? 

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