Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Resolve Test

Well, my friends, it seems my resolve is being tested. The buyer on the house fell through. Now we have to figure out what to do. 

I have spent so many days manifesting, meditating, praying on the sale of our home to be smooth and successful. All of the signs around were showing that my work and dedication was paying off. Everything here for it to fall through the last moment.

This is a huge test for me. I could go down the negative path. I could go down the rabbit hole of despair because this was a huge setback for our progress. I could allow my hubby's emotions to become my own, adding to the negative vibe going out into the Universe--something that would not help us at all.

Instead, as I sit here I repeat, "It all happens as it should," over and over. I put up my shield to protect me from my hubby's emotions on the subject. He is allowed to feel his feelings. I cannot change how he handles the news. I can only control what I put out into the Universe--and I choose not to go down the negative path.

So today, after work, I have to go to my parents' and pack as much as I can to bring back to the house. I have to traumatize my cat again and move him back to the house. I have to hope my indoor/outdoor cat will be okay in her new space, because I can't move both cats at once alone. And we start over. The house gets listed and shown. Hubby will most likely have to repair things we didn't have to worry about in a cash/as is sale. I have to stay positive and keep my mind on the fact that this just wasn't the right time for us. Our time will come, though. We will sell the house. We will be free to move wherever we want after that. We can move forward and start the next chapter on our adventure.

My choice is to take this as a lesson. A hard lesson, which I will allow myself to feel the emotions that come with it. But not a lesson that will break me. 

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