Wednesday, February 2, 2022

New Day

Today is a new day. A big manifesting day--2/2/22! 

2222 is a spiritual number meaning harmony and serenity. Maybe that's why I woke up feeling peace this morning. I could be upset and down with the loss of the sale of the house. I could be negative about starting the process over. But I'm not.

I look at it as we may get a better offer. The house we have called home for almost 2 decades deserves the next owners to be the best. It deserves to get remodeled and made beautiful. I want the house to be filled with love when it finally has new owners to call it home. Perhaps the seller wasn't that right fit.

We are blessed that we didn't move into an apartment before the sale and would thus be stuck in a rental agreement. Our plan was to stay with my parents. I am so lucky to have the kind of parents that reopen their doors to my hubby, son, and myself with open arms.

So, what's the plan now?

Well, this weekend we move our needs back into the house. We'll stay there, but most of our possessions will remain in storage or at my parents'. We'll just have to go back and forth when something comes up and we need items we don't have with us. The house is going back on the market, but with new photos with less clutter. I will do a blessing on the home to attract the right buyer. 

I am also hoping to promote my energy healing in this process. I can use my daughter's old room to perform energy healings in my house until it's sold. I think that'll be good for me--to get back to doing things I love. I will also make Malas. I finally got more beads in, and the process calms me. We will live our lives and just be until the day comes that we are homeowners no more.

What about my son? Well, the boy (aka Man--21!) will stay with my parents. He's already settled in, and he doesn't like change (he has Asperger's) . Leroy-our cat-I'm not sure about yet. He's settled in to my parents' so well that I almost hate to put him through the process again. Grumpy, our indoor/outdoor cat will stay w/my parents' home because she's been outside there and I don't think we could get her back. Honestly, I haven't seen her in 24 hours, so I worry, but I know she can handle herself.

And the girl? Lou is at school still. We'll deal with her placement when it comes closer to time for the Mardi Gras break. But good news for her--she is now accepted into LaTech's Honors program. I don't know what that means, but it's a big deal obviously lol. She's going places, yall, just wait and see!

I have to give a HUGE shoutout to my parents. This process has been so easy because of them. Honestly, I'd likely be a mess if we wouldn't have their support and their ease of dealing with change. So thanks, Mom and Dad. To be your child is an honor and a blessing that I am thankful for each day.

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