Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Today can be an AMAZING start for you!

Yesterday was Imbolc (which I didn't do much for with everything going on) and a new moon. That means a huge shift in energy. The sun is returning, and we are at the halfway point in winter. New moons are all about manifesting and bringing to light what you plan to achieve by the time the full moon arises. Don't stress if you missed it, any time within a 1-3 day window of the moon is still a wonderful time to start!

Manifesting can be done with a ritual of some sort, or as simple as speaking what you will achieve into existence. When the Universe hears your plans and manifestations, it takes note!

Now, to the 2-2-22 portal. This number is a sign of peace and harmony. The energy is light and peaceful. Today is a great day to start a meditation practice. Sit and visualize your desires. Write down your goals, not as "I wish" but as "I am." That small change in wording can change so much. This sequence of numbers, 2222, is often referred to as an angel number. 

 Consider approaching life with more compassion, seek better balance, and seek partnership when you can strive for harmony.

Think today on ways you can bring more harmony into your life. Take a few slow, cleansing breaths, thanking the Universe for people/things that already bring in harmony.

The Universe is changing. The energies are shifting. Open your eyes and enjoy the ride!

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