Thursday, February 3, 2022

Back to Normal (for now)

Well, dear ones,

Tomorrow I start the move back to the house. My hubby and I will be moving back into the house while it once again gets listed and sold. And yes, we'll be taking Leroy with us (but leaving The Boy). 

It's bittersweet. On the one had we'll have more privacy and space. It'll also be less time we're imposing on my parents.

However, I'm a bit sad. I mean, I said goodbye to the house. Now I feel I must do the work of shielding and protecting it (and us) again. I don't know how I'll feel walking back in the door. Maybe I'll fall in love again. Or maybe it'll be like meeting an ex for coffee. I'm not sure which one I'm hoping for at this point.

I do hope to get more writing done. Here, I feel like I'm away from my computer and paper a lot more than I was there. There's always someone to talk to or something to do. I've only meditated once this week. Those that know me know that's odd. I know once I'm here for the extended future I'll have to make time for it. Same goes with exercising. I had gotten good at making myself do those walking/exercise videos I had found myself. I haven't pulled one up this week. I thought about it a few times, just never made myself do it. 

Oh, and did I forget the number one most important part--I'll have my hubby back. While I've stayed put at my parents', he stayed at the house. We decided to do it like that because there's much more stuff that has to travel with me. And the weather hasn't exactly been favorable for me to return to the house and need to unpack things since we don't have a patio anymore. I miss just being near him.

So, think of me friends. Put positive vibes into the Universe that we may find the right next owners of our house so we can move onto the next chapter sooner than later.

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