Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Signs of Shifting Day 13

We've hit lucky number 13:

                            Code Cracking

To me, this is part of your research process. You get messages/signs/"Aha!" moments and you figure out what they mean. You strive to know more. Research becomes rabbit holes that you enjoy going down.

Cracking the code of messages becomes a fun past time for you. Research isn't a chore because you crave to know. 

Your eyes are opening to the "matrix" we truly live in.

For me, it's the little things now. The seeing 1:11, 2:22, etc each day. A song turns on that answers a question I'm having. I get feelings of knowing. 

Tell me, what do you think the sign of code cracking mean to you? I'd love to know your take on it. Striving for answers;) 

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