Friday, February 11, 2022

Hello, Old Frienemey

Yesterday, I had an emergency visit to the dentist. I hadn't been in years. As I sat in the chair waiting, I got high-level anxiety.

A bit of a backstory on me~~I went to the Orthodontist constantly from the second grade until I was 18. I had retainers, braces, wires, teeth pulled, and on and on. I always thought it wasn't that bad. However, sitting in that chair yesterday, something hit me, HARD

This is where I learned to dissociate. When I was in pain at the dentist, he simply told me to "raise my hand." And, if I did that, he'd fuss me. Looking back, he gave me the dentist from "Little Shop of Horrors" vibes. I learned to hide my pain, my feelings, my tears. Sometimes, it was nothing short of torture. 

So there I go, more shadow work. I said many times before, it never is truly done. Something new will always pop up. I had no clue a simple trip to the dentist would bring up these emotions. 


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