Monday, February 7, 2022

Welcome Back

I am SO happy writing this! I took the time to ground and meditate this weekend. And, thankfully I have been reintroduced to receiving messages! I was so stoked, that I almost had trouble staying in my calm state enough to stay in my zone.

First, I just did a small meditation, just to get back into it. I grounded myself and kinda just said, "Hello," and apologized for not keeping up with my practice. I was received well, and reminded that I am always growing, even if I'm not practicing daily. That made me feel a ton better.

Yesterday, I set myself up and planned to astral project--and was able to! It was hard keeping there, because my hubby was not quiet during it. But I was able to see him, roll my eyes, and continue. I was able to get messages and ask questions I've always wanted to ask. I didn't stay as long as I wanted to, but I could hear life having other plans (aka it was time to cook lol). 

Oh, dear friends, the near future is bright for so many! Those that are open to the shifting, signs will pour to you soon. Signs to be prepared to gain abundance--in information and prosperity. You may be feeling lost or forgotten right now. Keep going. Turn your thoughts towards your present and keep them positive. Keep "I am" flowing out of your mouth/thoughts.

My plans to grow my energy healing will come to sight soon, as well. I am excited for that news. I get such a helped feeling myself when I help others.

Be blessed. 

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