Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Well, I emailed my Neurologist yesterday. I wanted to keep her in the know of developments and such, as I do with all of my doctors. I asked her if she has access to the files of my MRI, because I'd like to know if my C2 has been twisted for a while or not. I told her what the Chiropractor told me and showed me on the Xray, as well as my plan of action.

Her response?

Basically, she said that she had no idea why he'd say it could be the C2 or S2 or whatever because the trigeminal nerve doesn't pass there. She also said that a "board certified radiologist" looking at my MRI and sending her results was enough, and that he said it was normal, so it was.

I was livid. It took me two minutes to find articles and tests from reliable sources that tell me otherwise. Issues with that part of the spine can produce pain that ACTS LIKE TN! And, since starting the massage/chiro treatment plan, my face mostly acts up when I'm moving positions. That tells me something is changing.

So, to release the feelings of anger, I wrote a break up letter. Yep, I opened a Word doc and drafted a letter explaining the breakup . I didn't send it, that wasn't its purpose. I often use words written down to express myself. That's why I do this--I know most of the Universe doesn't look at my little page. I don't do this for the Universe, I do it for me.

I'd LOVE to say that this page helps others and people learn things here and there along the way. I'd LOVE to say that my little journey in this human existence being jotted down helps someone going through things like me. But let's be realistic--one person visits my page on the regular-- Hi Dad!

So yes, I used my words for therapy. And it worked.

And now, I search for a new doctor.

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