Monday, March 7, 2022

Oh the Possibilities--when you're spine a'int right

Well, friends, I went to the chiropractor. And boy, was I ready! I had notes and knew what I wanted to ask and he even had to get me to slow down because I was so hyper-focused. 

We did XRays. My C2 in my spine is rotated. Instead of facing directly in the middle, it is twisted pretty far to the left. My spine is also SUPER straight at the top, which is not the norm.


I would have cried when he showed me, had my eyes been able to function properly.

So now what?

Well, he said to give him 3x a week for 2 weeks, which I will. I also have another massage Saturday. After that, if the XRay shows no change, I take the pictures to a doctor and say "fix me." I am now very aware of what I'm doing when my face acts up. It is much less often now. Sometimes it tingles, sometimes it goes numb. I haven't had lightening in a week or so. 

I am SO hopeful with this progress. I know I'll never be 100% cured. But I can be healed, and that is SUCH a blessing that I'm working towards. I've lived 2, almost 3 years with half of my head alternating from numbness to pain. Now, the things that go on are minimal. If I can go the rest of this life with it as it is now, I am TOTALLY okay with that!

Here's to hoping!

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