Wednesday, March 16, 2022


You work all your life, but for what?

To make just enough to keep people happy they don't have to help you?

To have the basic needs and, if you're lucky, a few wants?

Your prime years, the years you can do, 

                                                you don't.

By the time the world "lets" you stop doing something you don't love

You can't do all you've wanted

You put yourself aside for years of your life 

just to do a routine that makes you 

                     miss so much

because that's what you're supposed to do...

Oh, how blessed are those that find their purpose!

The few that get to live their dream

Manifesting the best things in life each day.

The open-minded free, that refuse not to 

                                        just be 

But to live and do and try!

The world makes it so hard on those that find their freedom

But this should be the norm!

1 comment:

  1. I still think the biggest challenge is to find and appreciate the small victories and pleasures as you continue to search and learn and build the broader experiences and journies.


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