Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Ostara/Spring, Welcome!

Ah, we welcome yet another season!

I am most excited about this, as we should be moving in the next! It is time for spring cleaning, which I plan to do one last time as I pack and prepare for (hopefully) the sale of our house. 

I am not doing an Ostara feast as I have done in the past. For one, we'll be heading home from a weekend near my daughter's school. She's getting her session of senior pictures taken. I am SO excited to see her in her suit and cap and gown. It still amazes me that her big day is so near.

I also, at this point, am at the mercy of many of the health issues I deal with. They all seem to keep flaring and firing on me. So, while I'd love to be the type to be able to travel all day and still have energy to present my husband with a feast, I'm just not her.  Not now, at least.

I do have goals, however. This season of growth, I will continue on my spiritual journey. I want to learn more on how to see past lives. I also want to learn how I can help others in that part of their journey. I'm still in the "baby" phase in all of this. You know, the everything is exciting and new and I just want to do it all! However, I am growing in realizing that I must narrow my focus a bit more. I can research and learn new things. However, I can't fall deep into every rabbit hole. I need to make a map and remember each, for once I fall down one, I need to keep working through until I land. 

I am hoping to spend as much time outdoors as possible, especially while I have my pecan tree in my life. That's a big thing I will miss when we leave our house. I worked so hard to keep the tree happy--planting flowers here and there and feeding it. I hope whomever lives there next appreciates the tree.

What are your goals for the Spring season? Maybe your ideas will inspire others :) 

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