Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The "C"

Three large black birds sit in my tree

Warning of news that is coming for me

Without a care, I go on my way

My usual routine must be underway.

And then, a coworker, with words so few

Says, "I have something I must tell you."

She draws me in close, enough to draw fear

And whispers sad words into my ear.

The words make no sense, I cannot comprehend

Hospice for our dear coworker and friend.

It got to her brain, that monstrous "C"

It will steal her from this life--from me.

And so, here I sit, in the chair she once sat

Wishing, longing for just one more chat.

I want to scream, cry, let the emotions flow

But I cant. I must do her job. I must go.

Today, I am allowing myself to feel sad. While I do not fear death, the thought of someone as strong as she being on her last while on Earth saddens me. She was trying so hard to hit 40 years of working here---40!!! And for what? She now doesn't have all the time she thought she'd have to live afterwards. I said a small prayer today. I asked my guardians of healing and Angel Raphael to keep from her any pain. 

Today was supposed to be a day of gladness. We finally sell the house this afternoon. And don't get me wrong, I will feel a form of relief when the ink dries. It's another step in our personal journey. And, knowing about my friend's prognosis encourages me even more to not stay at this school to work forever. It adds fuel to my fire to live a life with adventure and change. I won't sit here and work and stress myself just to find out there won't be any "after I'm done working."

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