Tuesday, March 29, 2022

One Less Tie

 We just took a major step in our becoming less stagnant. We are officially homeless! That is, we sold our house we've lived in for over 18 years. 

It is scary, of course. We don't know the next step for sure. But just thinking of it is a rush. We'll be staying at my parents for now. Once Lou graduates we'll have a better vision of the next step. 

Right now, all signs point north-WAY north! I look at it as a one year adventure. We have a place to lay our heads for at least a year in MN. It'll give a chance to decide if it's our next stop or just a stepping stone to something/somewhere else. Besides, as a born and raised Cajun, I need to find out if I can survive the winter! I know I loved it up there when we went for a few months before, but it was also summer, so no white stuff around.

It will be a bit sad being so far from our daughter, whom will be in college back in LA. But she'll have family there to help along the way. And we'll have video chat, and will fly her up when she wants. And I'll fly down when she needs. She is so independent already, I don't see that being the case often. 

There are so many positives that come with the adventure in the Great North. For one, the company that wants The Hubby REALLY wants him. He knows the people and the owner is a fellow Veteran, so that helps a lot. The place we'll be staying is his, and he is even going to allow The Boy, whom, as of now is coming with, to rent another space of his. That way he gets his own space. AND, that leaves us with one bedroom and one spare room. That'll house both our clothes and my witchy things! I am SO excited to get a space of my own! I'll be able to have a spot that is mine...a room that I can center and focus and meditate. A space that I can work on Reiki and finding ways to spread healing and light. 

I'll also be able to be more physically active. Up there, I can go on hikes, fish, walk with little/no pain. The less humid climate agrees with my body. I'd get almost 10,000 steps in a day when I was there. 

I'm also hoping to find a space to build my client list for energy healing. From what I saw in the little time I was there, people seem more open  minded to alternative forms of healing. If I can get that running there, where I can work on my time, it'll be wonderful for my psyche. Don't get me wrong, I love working with kids. But the kind of help I want to give isn't exactly welcomed in the school system. Maybe I can find another way to help...

No matter what, the sale of our house is a great first step. We are no longer tied down to Louisiana. Our new journey can begin, and I am so ready to see where it takes us!

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