Tuesday, March 29, 2022


A big thing I've learned to focus on when things seem less than good in life has been gratitude. Listing over and over things I am grateful for keeps my mind on the right things in life. 

It can be as simple as the fact that I woke up this morning. Or the fact that my drive is longer, but that gives me more time listening to my morning affirmations music.

Or perhaps the fact that the past couple of days I've had a lot of rough situations come my way at work, but I have and am building better relationships with my the students that come through my room. I have found a happy medium between being loud and mean and someone that can talk to them. I have found my strict and stern side that can keep the room in order, but also gives me room to communicate with the students when I need. I have found a point where none of what goes on in my room affects me. For a while, I struggled with that. However, now I just take a breath, focus on things I am grateful for, and stay calm. 

The kids that come my way are just that--kids. Some are in here for silly things, like uniform citations or technology marks. I hate they're missing class for those things. I try to make it to where they don't want to come back by making them write. They HATE to write. Other kids are for behavior...most are flare ups or bad days. Again, hate that they're not in classes for the lessons. But everyone has bad days. Heck, I prolly would get thrown in ISS some days. But I'm an adult that can handle my emotions--for the most part.

Whew--That's way off track, isn't it?

My point going back is that gratitude may have saved my sanity for these last few months of work. I am so blessed that I have my own classroom to sit in. After 9 years of running from room to room and student to student, I can rest. Yes, I miss some of my old kids terribly. At times I miss my teachers and the chaos that came with. But I have found peace in being still. 

I am grateful that, as of now, for the end of my educational career, I am happy.

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