Thursday, March 31, 2022

Slow Down

Slow down, dear friend.

Your journey feels long, I know.

The pressure builds, curving your spine as you carry the weight of it all on your shoulders.

Take a breath.

Know that these problems you face are lessons designed for you.

It is temporary--all of it.

You don't have to take on the world. The World is not yours to take.

She is merely a classroom, and the lessons you must learn are to build you up, not crumble you down.

You are allowed to not know things. You are even allowed to fail. However, you are not here to not try.

So sit. Straighten your spine.


Allow your Kundalini--your life force energy--your serpent to wind through your Chakras.

You are in charge of your journey. You control how you feel. You control how outside forces affect you.

Slow down.


Enjoy this song. It speaks to me so loudly.

"Slow Down" Nahko

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