Tuesday, April 5, 2022

"It's all in your head"

This latest flair up of Fibro/Chronic Fatigue/whatever it is has me so exhausted. At first I chalked it up to having to wake up 30 minutes earlier to get to work now. However, it's been almost two weeks, and that feeling hasn't left. Saturday, I took a 3 hour nap by Noon. And I still slept that night. 

I'm at the point where I don't do anything. I wake up, work, go home, sleep, eat supper, then try my hardest to stay awake until 9. On days off, I sleep as much as I can to try to have energy for when we do things. I hate that my life is falling back into this routine.

I see a holistic doctor tomorrow. I'm basically going to tell him to run the gambit of tests and please, PLEASE figure out what's wrong with me. I have a Neurologist that doesn't believe anything I find in my research is true. I have a PCP that I have loved for years, but even she seems to have gotten to the point where she's done trying. I need someone to see and hear me.

"It's all in your head." I am so tired of that phrase. I've heard it for as long as I can remember. I have symptoms of so many things that I don't have. Yet, they can never find why I have the symptoms. So I get the 'it's all in your head' over and over again. 

It goes against all I've learned in this awakened path. I can manifest anything. I can change things with my thoughts and attitude. However, changing mindset has not changed these symptoms. I have tried to change my thoughts since it's all in my head. Do you know what happens? I push back as hard as I can, until the symptoms wash over me, and I drown in misery. 

I am drowning. I'm at the point that I'd rather cut "it" out of my head that continue to have symptoms of something I don't have.

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