Thursday, April 7, 2022

New Ally?

So, I went to the Holistic Health doctor I had been talking about (yes, finally). He sat and spoke with me for an HOUR....60 minutes of one-on-one, detail by detail, health analysis on me. I've never had a doctor stay that long before running to the next patient. I honestly kept waiting for him to rush out. But, he didn't!

I told him my "all in my head" disappointments. You could tell a LOT of patients have that story for him. I can't even tell you all we talked about because there was SO much to unpack! A lot of things I said happened/were told to me in the past visibly displeased him. But I can tell you this--he has a plan. He actually has plans A-C. I have to go and do bloodwork--a LOT of it--15+ vials worth! I also have to do a saliva test. That's just his starting point. If all of those come back normal, he has plans to check more things and go further, but he doubts they will be normal.

He also mentioned--diet. I hate that word. But he pushed gluten-free pretty hard. I told him I'd try. It isn't easy when 

1. I live in south Louisiana where food is life  

2. I don't cook for myself right now

3. I hate the word and practice of diet

But he is really insistent, so I told him I'd try, and I will. I'll work on a plan this weekend to get myself started. It will NOT be easy in the slightest. But I know that the best help in the world won't work if I don't also put in the work. I also had to promise to research and start doing more yoga/stretching. There's some Reiki yoga I want to find for a start. He gets that I'm always exhausted and in pain (like today, for no reason my pain is at an 8 at least). However, just doing a few poses/stretches can help me in the long run. 

I am cautiously optimistic. I don't want to get my hopes up, since so often I get let down by doctors. But he has a new take on my health. He reassured me that he's helped people in my position before. He combines both Western and Eastern medicines. Hopefully, this is what I need to finally start healing my body. 

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