Monday, April 18, 2022

Where'd Ya Go?

So, not that many humans will notice, but I've been gone for a week. It was my Spring Break, and I honestly didn't touch a computer much. In fact, the only time I really used technology was to work on getting things ready for when we move.

M put his 2 weeks in at work this morning. That makes it REALLY real! He and The Boy will be heading up at the start of May. I'll join them soon after Lou's Senior Trip, so in Early July-ish. Yeah, I know last time us being apart was difficult. But I'm living with family now, so I won't be alone. And M will have The Boy. We actually traded my car in for one with all wheel drive-a must in the snow! I had to lose some bells and whistles, but it's worth it. She's white, and I am going to trim it with purple inside. I LOVE purple, but have never been able to express that in previous cars.  I can now! M is selling his truck soon, with the intention of getting a new one when he's up North. It really feels like it's finally coming together!

 I've also been working on getting back into my Craft. I miss the witchy side of me. I've worked TONS on my Awakening as of late. With most of my things stored away, I haven't felt very witchy. However, this time focusing on me and really connecting with my spirituality has been a blessing.

I'm not sure where to go from here as far as my blogging. I have found more of what my direct path is--helping others with both energy work and shadow work. I'm also pulled to helping kids, which is funny because my younger years I didn't like any kids unless they were mine or my niece and nephews. All that being said, I feel that those next steps ahead may be more of a private nature. I have to find for myself how to best pursue my calling. 

I'm not giving up on my blogging, for sure! I'm not sure, however, how helpful I may be at this moment in time.

So stay near, dear ones. I will be around, if nothing else to keep life updates going. Perhaps once I'm in "Tiny Carbonated Beverage" I can get back to posting to help others!

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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...