Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How to Start Shadow Work

I found this list on my journey through the web today, and I thought I'd share it and elaborate on each.
How to start shadow work
  1. Decide if you'll seek therapy or do shadow work on your own.

                 Therapy should be a staple for everyone. It helps you explore the how's and why's of yourself. Even if it's just a quick check-in to know you're okay. If you do choose to journey without, I suggest then finding an energy worker that also helps with shadow work

  2. Practice spotting your inner shadow. 
              Very often, when you take pause and really analyze the emotion you are feeling, it is either your Ego or Shadow talking. I know, personally, when negative thoughts come creeping in, it is often linked to a past time where my Shadow wants me to focus and heal

  3. Think back to your childhood.
             Your inner child needs healing. Perhaps something happened in your past when you were young that, at the time, you didn't understand or know how to process. Acknowledge your inner child. Communicate with it. Love it. Send it loving and healing energy. Connecting with your inner child can change your view in so many ways

  4. Avoid shaming (or being ashamed of) your shadow. 
              Everyone has a past. Everyone has things they hid in the shadows to not have to deal with. It is okay to acknowledge and accept your Shadow. To help your Shadow is to help yourself heal and overcome even the darkest times

  5. Meditate to observe your triggers. 
              This is a difficult one. However, in order to heal your triggers, you must first face them. It doesn't mean putting yourself in danger of the trigger. It doesn't mean to set yourself off on purpose. In the meditation, you are observing. It doesn't have to be you doing, just you being there is enough.

  6. Keep a shadow journal. 
              Write. Type. Draw. Blog. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with to express what you are going through. Being able to look back at how far you've come in healing your Shadow can be healing in itself.

  7. Express your inner shadow artistically. 
             Can you draw? Paint? Create things that signify your journey. Write poetry of the beauty of healing. Create music that fills your Shadow with light.

  8. Start an inner dialogue.
              Yes, talk to yourself. Not your Ego--your true self--your Soul self. Check in with yourself. It is so okay to speak to yourself. Many times, this practice can help you take a step back when you're dealing with moments of your Shadow appearing.

    Remember, be kind to yourself during work with your Shadow. Do not be afraid of this part of you, for the brighter the light in your, the darker the shadow. Healing your Shadow will bring forth and strengthen your light.
    Be blessed.


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