Thursday, April 21, 2022

Medicine Decision

I have, for my whole adult life, been on antidepressants. I hate that fact. I have often wondered what would happen if I lowered the amount--or just stopped taking them.

 I have decided to do just that.
Starting today, I am lowering my dose. In a few days, if it doesn't make me go over the edge, I will stop taking them. 
Is it insane of me? Possibly. I have tried before and failed. However, I am in such a good place right now. I am constantly working on my alignment and focusing on my higher Self. I have powerful Gods/esses and Spirit Guides on my side. 

Even with all the change going on around me, I feel good. However, I have noticed more and more I'm not good at showing my emotions anymore. I don't think it's because I'm choosing to mask. I think the mask that is hiding myself is from the medicine. I want to emote. I want to feel. And I want to show my authentic self. I truly feel getting off of these meds will do just that.

I may fail. I may go running back to the pills. I may be an emotional mess for a while at first. But I have to try--because what if after my body learns to regulate itself something amazing happens--and I build an even deeper relationship with all that surrounds me.

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