Monday, May 2, 2022


Mom asked me an interesting question on the way to see my daughter this weekend...

We passed where her, well, our ancestors are buried. She asked, "Do you ever feel roots when you're in Choupic (where I grew up)? I always feel a pull when we're around here (the place w/her people)."

And the answer for me is no. I mean, I get a sense of 'this was home' when I'm near where M and I lived for 18 years. 'Home' when I am at my parents'. But never real roots. That's part of who I am/what I am doing though, I think. I wasn't made to be settled into one place. Home is where life is happening. My roots are everywhere, since I now know that everything in the Universe is connected. Perhaps it's because I don't have many childhood memories. Maybe it's because we travelled so much as a kid and I fell in love with so many places. 

I don't feel bad that I don't feel roots in any particular place. I just don't think that's part of my narrative. Perhaps once we are 'home' in Minnesota that will change. I have a feeling not.

So, question of the day, do you feel rooted/pulled to a particular location? Why do you think you do/don't? 

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