Thursday, May 12, 2022


I love to read. I love reading books about all of the wonderful things I have been researching while travelling down various rabbit holes. I have begun flying through books, articles, blogs. Each one brings me more and more joy and amazement about this Terra School I'm in! 

I also love to write. I have been writing various poems, lyrics, stories, etc ever since I learned how to put the words I knew into sentences. I don't often, however, feel worthy of being called a writer. Why? Because I never feel as though I've completed a task I've written. There's never been a final (.) on any work I've done. But I keep writing. I have stories and poetry and thoughts in so many random journals, notebooks, and documents on my computer. But none ever feel complete enough to share with the world.

I'd love to be an author. I would love to see a book of a final something I've completed on a shelf somewhere. However, I don't know how to make myself finish point A to get to point B. Each writing is an infinite that just never feels done. 

Perhaps one day I'll find structure in my writing. Until then, enjoy the randomness that is my thoughts. 

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