Monday, May 16, 2022

Moons, Downloads, and Love

Last night, I did a lovely guided meditation in honor of the full moon. As you know, unless you've been living under a rock, it was a spectacular thing--super full moon/eclipse that hit its peak at 11:11--very powerful.

After the meditation, I went to bed. I chose not to stay awake for the actual eclipse. While I am a witch, I am also a human needing lots of rest, especially when I have work. The Moon and I often have that conversation. While I'd love to see her in person, I often speak to her indoors, on my way to sleep or when I wake up and know she's still around. Self-care is so very important, and I'm sure she knows that.

Anyway...On my way to sleep, I had some "downloads" of thoughts. While I don't remember them all, I do have some that stuck with me. A lot of them were about how my present, being on idle, waiting to move, is a phase that soon won't matter. I was reminded and shown how timelines work and interact.  I am going to be jumping timelines a lot soon-that I know. I don't know if it's because I'll be raising my reality or what. But I knew I needed to have it explained to me so I can better understand what's to come.

I was also reminded I need patience for those around me. So many people I am close to don't believe in the awakening hype. A lot of people go through alone because of this. You either have to choose to let them drop away of make a conscious effort to keep your relationship with them. I am choosing the latter. I told my guides many moons ago that my hubby is my person and I am not dropping him. I know he's closed minded. He tries, he really does, to understand. However, in the end he thinks it's all in my mind or made up or whatever. 

And that's fine--I know my truth. And I know deciding to stay with him will make my growth and ascension harder...but doesn't that make it more worth it? A love like we have--a connection like we have is SO hard to find. Why would I release that? He is why I am able to grow through this journey. If it weren't for him, I don't know what my life would look like right now. He is my reason for change. He is my reason for developing. He is my reason for trust and love. And he will stay by my side, no matter how far my journey takes me.

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