Tuesday, May 17, 2022


Though I have little to no following here and on other social media, I still feel the need to get my thoughts down and out into the Universe. I don't know if it's more for others to eventually find or for myself. 

I have started listening to Podcasts about spirituality.  I know, I'm way behind in the times. There are literally hundreds of thousands of those around these days. I love listening to others speaking on things that I've felt all alone on. I love hearing their voices with conviction. It makes me feel more connected to others on the path to awakening.

That being said--should I figure out how to make a podcast once I've moved and am settled? I mean, I'll have the time. I'm not the best speaker, especially with my trigeminal neuralgia. However, maybe it would be a better way to get my message out there. I love to write, and I love this blog, though few see it. But I can't seem to get the views to show that my message is going out into the Universe.  I'm not looking to get popular or famous. I just want the message heard. It's not my  message, per se. It's a message that it's time to awaken...it's time to join the connectedness of the One. 

So, what do you think?

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