Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Speaking to my Inner Child

Things I need to tell my Inner Child:

I'm sorry I forgot you. It was so sudden when you went away. I guess I honestly didn't really notice it. I froze. I became numb, and allowed you to take the fall alone. It wasn't your fault--none of it. 

You have felt unsafe and forgotten for so long. But you are safe. No one can hurt you now. I am here, and I will keep you safe. Feel free to sing, dance, laugh. Be silly. Be imperfect. That's okay--being imperfect. No one will love you less because of your imperfections. They are beautiful. 

Give yourself time when you stumble. It's okay to feel the fall. But get back up, because you are worth getting back up and continuing on. Do not feel the need to freeze when it happens. You are worth continuing on. 

Come out of hiding, my sweet dear. You don't have to hide in the shadows. You don't have to wear the masks. It is okay to not be happy all of the time. It is okay to show sadness, fear, regret. 

Use your voice. Speak out for what you need. Yell for help. Allow for others to hear you. You deserve to be heard. You deserve the help. It is not your burden to carry alone. Do not allow those around you to not hear you--bang doors down if needbe. You are worth it. Make them hear.

You are not alone. 

There is hope. There is future. 

There is good news to share, my child--

We go through so much. We put ourselves through a lot of it. But we make it. We find love. We find a man that reminds us what love is supposed to look like. We have children, and we work so hard to let them know they are safe, loved, and heard. We break the cycles we once thought we were forever stuck in.

And our life is beautiful. 

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