Saturday, March 13, 2021

Is That It?

"So, healing and that all you do?"

Goodness no!

I am also a Witch!

"Hold up....a what?"

Don't run away.  That term, "witch," still has such a bad stigma.  There is nothing negative about me calling myself as such.  All it means....well, the shortest answer I can give..... is I believe there's magick all around us.  And, from this, I believe in divination.

I use my Oracle Cards, Tarot deck, and pendulum to answer questions people may have or help guide them towards the correct path.

I also do dream jars and spell jars for those wanting to manifest something into their life.

My favorite item I do is dressed candles.  These should be burned while thinking of your intentions (faith/love/money/success/peace/health/etc).

"Yeah but, does it work?"  

That's up to you to decide.  Do I believe in it?  Absolutely!  So does it work for me?  YES!  Manifestation is all about what you want.  If you go into it not putting your 100% self into the thing you want, it may not work.  OR, if the Universe doesn't see what you want is in your best interest, it may not work.

Isn't that how all of life is--giving faith into something you "want/need" and the Divine making the final decision based on what's best for you?

So, if you have a question about these services, PLEASE ask!  Don't cower away just because I am a Witch.  I am not that scary!


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