Sunday, March 14, 2021


Ah, 3/14, or 3.14--a day that makes this nerdy girl's smile just a little larger.  For those that sadly don't know, today is known as Pi Day.  And yes, I plan on getting a pie to go with dinner tonight....I don't bake, so it's safer this way.

That being said, I want to talk more on the whole "witch" topic for a moment.  I know a lot of people get scared away even it today's society if someone uses the "W" word.  But so many people use magick in their day to day lives and never realize it!

Family member sick so you make them something special to make them feel better?  Magick.

You think on something to manifest it into reality?  Magick.

You dance around the house while cleaning to get the vibes of the house on point?  Magick. 

It's nothing to be feared.  Just because I am a witch doesn't mean I have ill-will or will hex you for cutting me off in traffic.  I just believe in working with the energies around me.

And so, if I make a dressed candle for you, know I am putting all I have in that moment on that candle.  If I am making you a protection item, I am focused on that intent.  And I always add a little of my energy for love in everything I do.  We could all use a little more love in this universe.

So come to the dork side, we have Pi!  And know it'll be made with the best of intentions!

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