Monday, April 5, 2021

Fuss Me

Don't you just love when life kicks in and  you lose track of time and days?

Sadly, that happened.  That's why you haven't heard from me here since Pi Day.  I told myself I'd keep up with blogging.  However, between life and not having a very good computer to work on I've slacked--a LOT.

However, I refuse to be hard on myself.  I do this to help others, but more to help myself.  Putting things down "on paper" helps me both with memory and a form of meditation.

"Meditation?  Isn't that sitting there with music or chimes or something?"

Yes, that is one way to meditate.  But there are so many ways to meditate.  I sometimes can't quiet my mind to get to a meditative state by just sitting there.  So I write.  I sit down and jot anything down that comes to mind.  Sometimes it's just cute little doodles or phrases that don't make sense.  BUT sometimes it's things that can help.  Other times it makes me feel better because I get whatever it is out of my physical body.  

Side note~you can also dance, sing, scream--meditation isn't a straight form practice.  It's simply finding something that works for you to get into a more peaceful and focused state.  Movement like dance is great because it can be meditative, cleansing, and vibration raising!  I'll be the first to admit I can't dance, but I do because it's so freeing to just let the music move me!

This is my Spring Break from my 9-5 job.  I'm hoping to get here and get typing away more.  I do have some appointments with clients this week (yay for those trying out energy work for the first time), so I'm SUPER stoked to be doing my prework for those.  I'm also considering setting up on Etsy to see how my divination business can grow.

For those wondering, I do Oracle, Tarot, pendulum, tea reading, and Bibliomancy.  I'm best at Oracle, and I'm just starting out on tea and Bibliomancy, but I'm SO eager to learn more about them!  The only way I'll get better is practice.  So, if you're interested, let me know!

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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...