Tuesday, April 6, 2021

When You Begin

While I have only been on my journey for a short time, I feel there are a few things I wish I had been told when I began my first steps.  So, today I'll put them out into the universe so that I can maybe help someone who is joining the journey

   --Start small!  I know it's exciting and you want to do all of the things and get all of the things to do all of the things....but SLOW DOWN!  You'll see aesthetics on social media and assume that's how your practice should look.  It isn't.  And these days, people are more open to being on a "path less travelled" which has made prices of all the things skyrocket.  Thrift stores are a great place to score things you may need.

--Buy only what you need!  I found a shop with fresh dried herbs and went crazy!  I bought way too much, and I still have some that I look at and laugh because I know I went crazy.  When doing rituals/spells, you don't need a large amount of an ingredient.  It isn't exact.  At least, in my practice I'm not exact.  I do what feels right.  A pinch of this a dash of that ( I guess that's where my Cajun comes into play).  I grew up learning to cook without set recipes, so that's how my spells are.

--It's OK if you don't know which specific path you're on!  I still consider myself eccletic.  I tend to mod podge different practices and beliefs together to create my own path.  Some people say you can't do that--but I've done just fine thus far.

--Do NOT do any spell work until you are ready!  Being a witch doesn't mean you spend all your time doing spells.  Buy books.  Research.  Then check that research to make sure it's accurate.  You want to know what you're putting into your work and why.  The knowledge adds to the intention.

--Be ready to learn!  I know now that this journey will have me learning for the rest of my life.  I have more books now that I've ever had before.  I'll be into three books at a time.  I have Pinterest boards filled with tips and tidbits.  My Amazon wish list is always changing and evolving, always adding more books I'd like to own.  Sure, EBooks are great.  I just prefer the actual book in hand.  And just the thought of the learning gets me excited!  It's a spark I had thought died out long ago.

--You do NOT have to be Pagan to be a witch!  Yes, in my journey I have chosen to walk the Pagan path.  But there are Christian witches!  Witchcraft is not a religion.

--Be ready for a spiritual awakening!  Yeah, that slapped me in my face really hard.  I didn't even know what it was when I started with it.  It's crazy to feel so small yet so mighty once your awakening begins.

These are just a few things I think could have saved me time/money.  I still have my moments of yelling at myself that I don't need another crystal or the shiny that looks like something I may one day need.  Sometimes I don't listen.  And that's OK--it's part of the journey.

And, if you ever need someone to talk to, reach out!  I may not know the answer but I sure as heck will try to find it!

Be Blessed.

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