Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Reikier gets Reiki'd

I had been feeling off lately. Things have been a whirlwind in life, and things are changing fast. I needed to be reminded of my spiritual path and powers. I needed to be reminded that my path is the right one for me. So, I went to a friend that does Reiki and asked for attunement. 

Let me just say--your soul knows what it needs and when it needs it.

Honestly, I waited too long. It was SO needed!  She straight away came in with messages that I needed to hear. All of the blockages she spoke of and worked with I knew were there. Her guides and guardians are incredible. You can feel their love for her when she speaks of them. 

When she was coming to the end of the session, I felt it again--my spirit guide holding my hand. Oh, how I missed this! I can once again feel the vibrations of the Universe. My guides and guardians are swirling around me, giving me hugs of "welcome back."

Then there was more--oh so much more!

Before we parted ways, she told me to research "Sirius" and "Pleaidians." I wasn't sure what it meant, but I trusted the message like all others.

My day was busy, so I wasn't able to go down the rabbit hole until last night. She, like others I've been read by, confirmed my thoughts so greatly--I have Sirius DNA in me.

Down the rabbit hole I went, and down the rabbit hole I stay, for a time.  I want to learn so much and continue my path of Spiritual Awakening. I want to learn more of who I am and connect dots once lost in the clutter of my brain. I am so ready and willing for these downloads. And I wish to share with you.

So, I am back to post. I will make blogs that may not make sense to either your or myself. But I will spread the messages given to me. I will help heals souls on this Earth. That is why I am here. That is what I am meant to do.
Please, join me on this journey?


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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...