Saturday, December 11, 2021

A True Experience

 I had my first pure experience.

I felt my soul. I was my soul.

I danced as I cooked. I really danced. Knee be damned, I danced. I felt each note and word of each song that played in my ears.

I experienced so many timelines, at times I had to ask my guides to slow it down a bit so I could catch my breath. It was so thrilling. I told my hubby he came home from work so many times that day!

I felt my guides. I saw them moving about me. I heard them, so please that I was there. 

I felt bad for cooking chicken, and had to remind myself it was OK because they were already dead when I got them. I actually apologized to them.
This was no dream--this was my evening the other day! I connected to my soul like I have never been able to do before. It was the most incredible feeling, one which I hope to duplicate often! Oh, how I wish I could live that way forever....

I will get there. This experience makes me even more determined to open myself to the Universe, of which I am part of!

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