Sunday, December 12, 2021



So many wonderful things are coming into my life. My manifestations for the past year are coming true! Since December 1, life has been a whirlwind of blessings of movement.

I can't go into much more detail at the moment with my biggest news, unfortunately, because some family doesn't know yet.

But I can tell you yesterday I received a text from the store I decided to sell my Mala necklaces at. In a week, I've already sold 1-2! The owner was so excited and requested a necklace display so they can be shown better to sell. Of COURSE I went right out and found one--for 50% off!

I waited so long to put the Malas there. I kept telling myself I wasn't good enough to sell them there. But, with all the greatness going on around me right now, I listened to my guides and did it...and I am SO glad I did!

I am so open and aware. The feeling is incredible. I made a Facebook Page to share with others.

 Spiritual Awakening Support

It's a place to share experiences, ask questions, and feel less alone on the rollercoaster of awakening. Won't you join me?


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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...