Monday, December 13, 2021

Let's Talk About It


Souls are interesting to me. The concept that we are just fleshy beings being controlled by our true being, the soul, fascinates me.

I have come to find, for a long time now, that being classified as “straight” bothered me. I didn’t understand why. I have always been with men. I’ve never been with a woman. But yet I couldn’t figure out the feelings.

Then all of these changes started. Learning and knowing things I’ve never even thought possible. Realizing that we all are souls.


I am attracted to people based on how their soul feels to me. It’s crazy to say out loud, but it is so true! Some of you that know my husband and me may be a bit confused right now. My husband has very closed chakras. His soul is locked up tight, just for him to know. Yet he fascinates me. When I want to discuss weird things, as he calls it, he’s open to it. When I attempt connecting exercises, he opens, just enough for a peak, but not enough to see fully. The fact that he’s so closed off but does these things for me is such a sign of love and devotion. Perhaps I’ve seen his soul in the past, when we were working though a dark space in his life, I just didn’t know it.  I mean, my journey has just recently started in the concept of time. But I’ve known him almost ½ of my life. I told him about my feelings last night. He didn’t flinch. It didn’t surprise him. Sure, he said it was crazy, but he says that about everything going on with me right now. But he also said he’d stick with me no matter what, and I believe him.

There’s a title for people that are attracted to souls. However, I prefer the label of queer—I like Q words.

I know there are others out there. I mean, if there’s a label that means others came up with it. I want to find them…talk to them…I’m not looking for any other partners. I just want to know I’m not alone in this craziness.

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