Tuesday, December 14, 2021

How Do Spirit Guides Communicate

 This is a question I'm sure a lot of people have. And the answer, I'm sure you can guess, is different for everyone.

This is how I know they're communicating.

It's honestly in different ways. At first, it was synchronicity. I'd see all the 11:11, 4:44, 3:33, etc on the clock. My totals would be "angel numbers" at the store. Once I started actually SEEING it, it's pretty constant now.

I also get feelings. A lot of times, they squeeze my hand. Or they give my heart a hug, if that makes sense. My Trigeminal Neuralgia will act up at a random time...that's usually a warning of some sort.

When I meditate, it is sometimes words...those are hard to hear right now for me. But when I meditate or put my music on shuffle, they often make sure to play the music I need to hear first, especially if the song has lyrics. 

The more I grow and learn to listen to the messages, the more I hear. And, the more I share the messages, the louder they get. I've started answering questions in a social group on Facebook, something I've never dared do before. And I get the gut feeling answers on point. 

My daughter laughs at how tickled I get when I'm right. I honestly feel so alive when I help others or tell them "what I see" in their photos. The whole concept of what I'm learning and going through makes me giddy with excitement.

Yesterday, I did my first card pull from my new Oracle deck. I asked my guides what message they need me to know right now. Want to know what card I got?

It's message basically states you are in a whirlwind of messages and knowledge coming in from all around you. You are awakening. Let it all in. Isn't that perfect? Once again, the message is exact! 

Is what I'm going through crazy to many? I'm sure so. I mean, a few years ago I would have laughed at all of this. Well, not laughed--that's mean--I would have not believed it/understood it. (just at this moment I looked at the clock--11:11) 

To me, this is real. This is life. The Universe does not work linearly. It is a bunch of lines and waves flowing and dancing around us. Am I crazy? Again, I asked myself this a lot at first. And, if I am, that's fine. I'm going to be crazy happy!

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