Friday, December 17, 2021


I had such a huge download. When I tell you that I could have wept, but it was so amazing there was no way I could.

  First, as the download started my heart raced. I felt like my body was pulsing to the energy around me. The waves of energy I closed my eyes, and I could see my hubby and me. Not our body us, however. Our souls. The forms we took with our original DNA. Oh, I wish I could draw to keep the memory alive! I as a shape of a blend of what humans see as alien, but like nothing I've ever seen. And he was more of a Neanderthal-ish being, but again, not what you'd picture. I got the download loud and clear:

I was of the stars. I came to Earth and have been here for centuries, but I began elsewhere. My soul purpose is to heal and help guide others on their path. My hubby is SUPER special. He is of the first humans placed on this planet. 

When looking at our genotypes, I would be rr and he'd be without humanoids in my original DNA and he with both humanoid and elsewhere trait.  This was on purpose. Our reason for finding each other was because our child had to be created.  She is an Earth dwelling Starbloom, as I was told it was called. She is on this planet to bring it to the higher dimensions. 

The images--the messages--they were clear as if someone was showing me a book. 

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