Monday, December 20, 2021

How am I Today?

I am trying to hard to not obsess over the things going on around me. I have to be able to focus enough down here to help my family. I still have to function at work. 

But all I want to do is research. I want to listen to lessons and meditations. I want to grow and develop my gifts. I want to learn and open my eyes and heart fully.

It is a difficult balance right now. I don't know if I'm succeeding right now. How does one calm themselves and focus on the mundane when the extraordinary has been open to you and flooding in?

I want to teach others, but I'm still being taught. I am doing much better when it comes to owning my knowing, even if it's just because I know.

My baby turns 17 today. She is an incredible starblossom. Yet her eyes are still closed. I hope they will open someday so she can see how amazing she is and embrace the gifts she has. She will, I know she will. Patience, Jenn...

So that's my day today--in the awakening sense. I wish I could let it consume me...that'll come soon, too. Once things calm down in my family (besides holiday, we're moving into my parents') I'll be able to put more focus into this expansion. I can wait for it, because it is SO worth it!


I had to come back to add a thing. Today, while on lunch at work, I looked out the window to see about a dozen blue jays just hanging around! I checked the time and it was 11:11.  Talk about a "here's your sign" moment.  I always tell my guides I need obvious signs because I don't pick up on them easily. I guess they took my advice!

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