Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Yule Blessings!

 "See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way

for the bright sun soon to come.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way,
for the world to awake once more.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way
for the longest night of the year.
See the gray skies overhead, preparing the way
for the sun to finally return,
bringing with it light and warmth."
Today is a joyous day for so many reasons!
Sure, I'm at work right now, which isn't joyous to say the least. I had planned to be all "damn the man" today since I'm working on such a holiday. But I woke up with cheer in my heart and gratitude in my soul. So I am, as they say, holly jolly, sitting in my classroom with my pajamas on (Yay for PJ day!). Honestly, why aren't PJ's a staple of work wear? I feel so comfy and like I can take on the world!
For those that don't know, Yule is AKA winter solstice. It is the time that the days slowly get longer. We celebrate the return of the sun.
Sure, I don't have a Yule log to burn or a huge celebration planned. We have to be out of our home very soon and just don't have time to do anything big this year. I do, however, have a roast feast planned for my little family. We also normally do our gifts on this night. However, I am very behind on my gift-getting, so we may wait until Christmas this year. I'm the only one who celebrates Yule in my family. The others don't really do much on holidays unless I make them, so they're OK with celebrating whenever.
It's a very strange feeling, having such a festive passion in my heart right now but being at work and moving and so many changing about. This is our last holiday in the house we called home for nearly 20 years. And...I'm OK with that. I may be a puddle of tears come move out day. But I'm oddly at peace with it in this moment.
Blessed, Yule, all. May the sun return and warm your hearts. May your new year be bountiful and filled with blessings. May your spirit soar and soul find peace.

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