Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Festivities Continue

On the second day of Yule, the Universe gave to me

Another work day.

Yep, I am indeed having to work another day thanks to Hurricane Ida. I take it as a lesson of patience. The kids in classes are wild. The teachers haven't posted much work. So the kids in here are to be peaceful and chill. At least this way they get a break and so do I. And yes, they did work first. And they're still doing busy work, but it's related to the holiday.

Once this day is said and done, I'll be home. Well, in the house that is home for a few more days. My parents are coming over tonight. We will again be festive and exchange gifts. I'm not cooking, which is a nice break. We'll also be discussing moving in. That is coming so quickly. I'm hoping to begin moving things there this weekend. We'll have Christmas with the other side of the family on Christmas Eve and day. Then it's full steam ahead on moving in with my parents.

All of the hustle and bustle makes it difficult to fully dive in to my awakening. I am, for the time being, suppressing a lot. I am consciously only letting it really flow when I meditate. And wow, when I take time for that, it floods in!

I need an outlet. This blog is  a good start for me. But I feel I need more. There is so much information coming to me, and putting it here is too small, for no one sees this page so who am I helping?  There's that loneliness feeling again. That is a part of my ego I am struggling with. These big feelings and emotions and no one to tell/teach/listen. I listen to Podcasts and just want to scream YES! THIS is what I need! But I am in no way ready to do such things. 

So, I guess I have you--all 1-3 of you to share with. I hope I can one day grow and be able to share and help people. I will continue to jot things down. I will continue to share to those willing to listen. I will continue to offer energy healing. And I will continue to learn all of these amazing lessons.

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