Sunday, December 26, 2021

Moving--Taxing on a Witch

 I haven't looked to see if this is the norm, or a me experience.

Moving, as a witch whom is also on her spiritual journey, is hard!

I have to continuously go deep within and remind myself I am a witch even without all of my things near, for they must be in storage for now. My altar is gone. My crystals are packed up. My candles and herbs and bottles all safe and secure. These, I know,  are just tools of a witch. The magick is within, always. But being surrounded by these beautiful items and their positive vibrations have always calmed me. 

Each time I do another round of packing, I have to remind myself it is just temporary. I have burned my protections (that I can) thanking them for their help and releasing them back into the earth. With any luck, once we find "home" I'll have my own room to myself! I can envision it now, and I wish you could see it!

On a spiritual level, it is again a learning curve. I know home is within. And I know everything is happening as it should. It is the ego me getting into my feelings about this house. We've lived here my daughter's whole life. To think I'll wake up under this roof one last tine in just a few days seems crazy to me! People around this area don't often change much about their lives. They stay in the area, living in one to two homes in their lives. 

So, why are we choosing this change? My husband and I both feel like it's time. We always spoke of not being tethered to this place. He was in the Army before meeting me. He obviously wanted to travel the world. Yet, once injured, landed back home and never left. I just never left in the first place. The fear of the unknown and the comfort of the normal just felt too good.

But now is the time we feel that it's now or never. Our kids are (mostly) grown. Hurricane Ida convinced me that I don't want to go through that ever again. We were lucky, having only minor damage to our home. We found a buyer for the house, as is. Hubby has a longstanding job offer elsewhere. I have come to the conclusion this is my last year in education. It's all just--right.

And yes, perhaps we'll do this and hate it and not know what to do after. And we'll handle it if that's the case. But we both want to say we tried. 

So now, I pack things and take mental breaks. I remind myself I am the magick. I remind myself this is just a blip on the Universe's story for me. I have faith in myself and in my family. We will not force the things we will go through, but will instead flow with it.

1 comment:

  1. Trust and breathe. The months ahead will pass even more quickly than the years behind. Everything is temporary. You have a safe place to wait out the transition. Blessed are we.


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