Tuesday, December 28, 2021

So We Wait

Today was supposed to be our last day to pack up and move out...

Supposed to be.

We got the call this morning that the buyer wants and extension on the closing. Apparently he had a "financial emergency" and couldn't have the funds for tomorrow.

So this morning we went BACK to my parents' house and packed up what we'd need for a month and moved BACK into our house. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know we have a month to finalize everything and we won't be as rushed. But I also made sure our realtor knows this is the only extension like this. We won't be pulled along 'til the guy has the funds. If the sale falls through, our house will be back on the market and we begin again.

I keep reminding myself that things happen as they should. The sale, the move, the changes that we are manifesting coming--they will come. While having to move things around is a pain, the pressure is gone. Hubby and son are going fishing. Daughter is with friends. And I get some quiet alone time in our home of 20 years for a little while longer. 

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