Wednesday, December 29, 2021

So Why Now?

Hello, new friends. You know who you are--those that were kind enough to care on Facebook. As you can see, I've been at this for quite some time--writing that is. If you take the time to cyber-stalk me, you see I've had other blogs, none successful AT ALL, as well as a few other writing platforms.

So, why now? Why do I now have the sudden urge to been seen and heard?
I think the answer has to do with my awakening. I am starting to get messages or feelings or signs, most I don't quite understand myself. But one message is clear-share it. Write about it. Express the things you're experiencing so others feel less crazy. I know when I feel alone in my awakening, it helps to read others' experiences. 

I want to help people. I want to heal. I want to be the listening ear when they have a "crazy" experience. I want to get the message out that we are not crazy--far from it! The collective is awakening, and it's beautiful! I want those that feel alone to get the message--YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are with you--always with you. 

I also want it to not be a secret.  Too many times this Earth has attempted a shift, and "others" shamed people back into submission. I want this time to be different. I want us to succeed.

So welcome, new friends. I hope you read and some of it resonates with you. I hope you understand that as crazy as it may seem, you are not crazy, no are you alone. I see you. 

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