Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year, Same Me

So technically my new year was Samhain. But we all know the calendar says otherwise. I used to get so caught up in the "new year, new me" thing. I'm going to work out more. I'm going to eat healthier. Blah, blah, all failed.

Now, as we approach the start of 2022, I know that there is no 'new me.' There is an always evolving me--just me. Do I want to keep growing and improving? Of course! My gifts and lessons are so incredible to learn about. However, I will NOT put pressure on myself. There is no need or use for that. I will continue to grow on my own pace--the pace I am meant to grow.

Next year also will bring many changes in life. We are (hopefully) going to sell the house at  the end of January, leaving us technically homeless. Don't worry, we are going live with my parents until we figure our next step. My Mala prayer beads have started selling, so I'm hoping that continues to grow and be successful. They bring me such peace and joy to both create and use. I also hope to get back to energy healing, though Covid keeps making that difficult.

My daughter will graduate high school. It's a year earlier than most her age, which is still so impressive to me. She's an incredible person. Everyone should meet her or someone like her once in your life! Your view on the future can be changed just by the meeting.

This is also my last year in the school system. It's time. As I grow, I see more and more that the education system isn't what it should be, and I can't sit around and be part of it and be okay. Kids need much more help on life skills and lessons than the education system chooses to give. 

Once the school year ends, then the real adventure begins! That is, IF we make the big jump in moving. My Hubby keeps going back and forth on the decision. I'm honestly okay either way--things always happen as they should. IF we make the move, it'll be time for our oldest to fly from the nest and become independent. Don't worry, it's by choice. He doesn't want to move with us wherever we go. He's been an adult for a while. It's just now he won't have us helping. He can do it. He's a great human being.

So that's just the first half of next year! And yes, life happens when we're busy making other plans. I know it's not set in stone--nothing is. It's just the baseline drawing of what it may look like, drawn in pencil, of course!

So happy 2022, dear friends! I hope you ring in this new year safely and with lots of laughter and love. We are all one, and every single one of us deserves it!

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Oh What a Ride

I haven't abandoned you, dear loves. Life has been in fast motion as of late for me. There's so much change, and I am just enjoying ...